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Nuclear and AI Security by Design

Nuclear security in uncertain algorithmic decision-making

Novel nuclear reactor designs across extant and emerging nuclear states are being considered at an unprecedented rate. With this novelty comes new risk landscapes. As novel nuclear designs are installed in emerging nuclear states, nuclear security by design is at risk of being discounted in favour of cheaper technology. AI tools such as LLMs must design against current CBRN risks as well as their evolving landscapes.


My research investigates the trade-offs between the competing objectives of security, cost, operability, and more. To this end I have lectured at several international security conferences.

My works:

  • Lecture and Paper: Prospecting Through a Straw: How the Global Drive for Cost Savings Compete with Non-proliferation Security - NATO Early Career's Nuclear Strategist's Workshop - Rome 2023

  • Presentation and Panel: Prospecting Through a Straw: How the Global Drive for Cost Savings Compete with Non-proliferation Security - UK PONI Annual Conference - London 2023

  • Presentation and Paper: Application of Multi-objective Optimisation for the Management and Reduction of the UK’s Plutonium Stockpile - NATO Early Career's Nuclear Strategist's Workshop - Rome 2021

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